Online Security

In a world where online crimes are happening more and more, it is very important that you learn the best ways to protect yourself. There are some simple yet very effective ways to protect yourself whether you are worried about mac security, iphone security, or ipad security.

First, you have to learn about the threats! There is an ever growing need to protect ourselves against the many threats and a big one is something called Ransomeware. What is Ransomeware? Ransomeware is when you get a file on your computer that calls home and causes all your data to be encryped which is like your data being put in a box with a key (password) and the only one that has this key are the bad guys. Once you get “infected” you have little time to prepare before your data gets hijacked and the bad guys will want you to pay to get it back which is why it is called ransomware.

Here is the bad news… Even if you pay them, there is no guarantee that they will give you your data back. So you will want to make sure you never have to deal with this type of thing, ever!

The good news is you can learn how to defend yourself against this and many other threats. We have lessons that will teach you how to protect your mac, iphone, and ipad all inside of ULearnApple.

If you want to learn more about protecting yourself online, click on the button below to become our newest member!